Ca Del Bosco Prestige Cuvee NV 750ml

Ca Del Bosco Prestige Cuvee NV 750ml


Italy’s Champagne

Produced from a blend of 75% Chardonnay, 10% Pinot Bianco and 15% Pinot Nero. A plentiful mousse holds well in the glass after being poured. A pale straw coloured base with flecks of pale gold around the edges has an exceptionally fine and persistent bead flowing through it. Pronounced ripe pear, baked apple and yeast lees aromas have a subtle dried honey overlay with emerging baked bread notes also evident. Quite rich and mouthfilling, flavours of pear, ripe apple, yeast lees, baked bread and citrus are backed by a sculptured spine of crisp acidity. Finishes dry with an aftertaste that’s long, refined and refreshing.
Drink over the next 4-5 years.
Alc. 12.5%

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